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Our News
Our News
It was on October 25, 2010 that our CEO Paulo Ferreira officially opened the doors of Multicargo Transportes e Logística Lda, a challenge that was much desired and planned, on a date that was also not left to chance.
When we asked our CEO what motivated him to start this project, his answer was:
"The main motivation
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Portugal itself is a country that has historically been linked to the import and export market, largely due to the fact that it is located at the westernmost point of the European continent, which has always allowed it to maintain a key role on the international stage. However, although it has always had relatively good
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As of February 29, 2024, the UAE's Advance Cargo Information (ACI) program, developed by the National Advance Information Centre (NAIC), requires advance cargo information for goods imported, exported or in transit through the UAE.
As of this date, Harmonized Commodity Codes must be added to all air waybills (MAWB and HAWB) during the transit of goods.
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Este é o termo inglês usado para descrever a cadeia de suprimentos, e compreende todo o processo que um produto passa desde o momento da exploração da matéria-prima á entrega em mãos do consumidor final.
Este termo refere se também à interação entre as diversas entidades profissionais que se envolvem ao longo de toda a operação.
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The competitiveness of markets has taken on increasing importance and requires the creation of a cost management strategy that allows meeting the progressively demanding needs of customers. This factor establishes benefits for companies that use it, since it allows the understanding of the origin of costs, with the main objective of reducing them and increasing
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It was on October 25, 2010 that our CEO Paulo Ferreira officially opened the doors of Multicargo Transportes e Logística Lda, a challenge that was much desired and planned, on a date that was also not left to chance.
When we asked our CEO what motivated him to start this project, his answer was:
"The main motivation
Ler Artigo
It was on October 25, 2010 that our CEO Paulo Ferreira officially opened the doors of Multicargo Transportes e Logística Lda, a challenge that was much desired and planned, on a date that was also not left to chance.
When we asked our CEO what motivated him to start this project, his answer was:
"The main motivation
Ler Artigo